About Us

Mileshiggins Farm is a small family farm, located in its own secluded valley in South Herefordshire. Through the valley we have a small stream which runs through a small pond. We have several fenced off areas either side of the stream which are great habitats for wildlife. We are surround by woodland which is also a great wildlife haven. We see a lot of Red Kites, owls and other birds of prey.
Our flock of Texel sheep graze our permanent pasture all year round. They come into our barns during lambing time and then all the new lambs are put out to fresh grass. We have a traditional apple orchard which we used to use to make cider, now we leave the wind falls for the wildlife and sheep to eat through the winter. Our herd of Pedigree Hereford cattle graze the pastures all summer and come into a warm, dry barn for the winter. We love having our cattle and they are a wonderful addition to the farm.
We have our own kitchen on the farm where everything is prepared and pack by us. Award Winning handmade sausages and burgers being our speciality. We believe its vital for you to know exactly where your food comes from and know the farmer who raised the animal. We see the process from rearing the animal, to then selling the end product ourselves. We also run a new start up business called "Cookhouse On The Hill". This Aimee runs with her business partner Nicky who is a cook by trade. Together we run cooking courses and do lots of event catering for small and large events. Take a look at our website for more info. www.cookhouseonthehill.com
Our photography is supplied by the wonderful Sally Corrick Photography. www.sallycorrickphotography.com